2 Preparing for Operation
September 26, 2013, 715004208 Rev. A
10. Connect outlet 1 to inlet 3, as shown in the following diagram. Tighten
the fittings 3/4 to 7/8-turn past finger-tight.
Remove the black O-rings prior to installing the tubing. The O-rings
on the tubing are used to hold the fittings in place during shipping.
The outlet 1 to inlet 3 tubing is supplied in the splitter kit.
11. Connect the tubing as shown in the following diagram. Tighten all
fittings 3/4 to 7/8-turn past finger-tight.
Remove the black O-rings prior to installing the tubing. The O-rings
on the tubing are used to hold the fittings in place during shipping.
If you are installing the stainless steel version of the Flow-splitter
kit, tighten all fittings 3/4-turn.
Inlet 3
Outlet 1