Warning symbols
September 26, 2013, 715004208 Rev. A
Specific warnings
The following warnings (both symbols and text) can appear in the user
manuals of particular instruments and devices and on labels affixed to them
or their component parts.
Good laboratory practices warning
Biohazard warning
The following warning applies to Waters instruments and devices that can
process material containing biohazards, which are substances that contain
biological agents capable of producing harmful effects in humans.
(Risk of exposure to biological agents that can pose a serious
health threat.)
(Risk of tipping.)
(Risk of explosion.)
(Risk of eye injury.)
To prevent injury, always observe Good Laboratory Practices
when you handle solvents, change tubing, or operate the ISM. Consult
the Material Safety Data Sheets regarding the solvents you use.
To avoid infection with potentially infectious, human-sourced
products, inactivated microorganisms, and other biological materials,
assume that all biological fluids that you handle are infectious.
Specific precautions appear in the latest edition of the US National
Institutes of Health (NIH) publication,
Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories
Observe Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) at all times, particularly when
working with hazardous materials, and consult the biohazard safety
representative for your organization regarding the proper use and
handling of infectious substances.