2 Preparing for Operation
September 26, 2013, 715004208 Rev. A
6. In the Time box, specify the number of minutes from 0.1 through 60.0.
2.0 minutes
All solvent tubing must contain solvent. Prime the ISM
until a steady flow exits the vent tubing (typically requires 7 to 10
7. Click Start.
When solvent flows out the vent tubing without bubbles, the
path is primed.
Priming a dry ISM using a syringe
Required materials
Gloves: clean, powder-free, chemical-resistant
30-mL syringe (startup kit)
Short length of Pharmed
tubing (startup kit)
Tubing adapter (startup kit)
To prime a dry ISM:
1. Open the device’s front door.
To prevent injury, always observe Good Laboratory Practices
when you handle solvents, change tubing, or operate the ISM. Consult
the Material Safety Data Sheets regarding the solvents you use.
To prevent contamination, wear clean, chemical-resistant,
powder-free gloves when priming a dry ISM using a syringe.