2 Preparing for Operation
September 26, 2013, 715004208 Rev. A
information and
Controlling Contamination in Ultra Performance LC/MS
and HPLC/MS Systems
on the ACQUITY Chromatography System CD.
To ensure the solvent manager’s optimal performance,
elevate the solvent bottles above the pump inlet and vent properly.
Stacking system modules
To stack modules:
1. Place the rear feet of the ISM atop the QDa detector, and slide it
backward until its rear alignment pin rests in the rear alignment slot on
the QDa detector.
2. Lower the front of the ISM so that its front alignment pin rests in the
front alignment slot on the QDa detector.
3. Place the rear feet of the next module in the system stack atop the ISM,
and slide the added module backward until its rear alignment pin rests
in the rear alignment slot on the ISM.
To avoid damaging components of the ISM, do not pressurize
solvent reservoirs in excess of 34.5 kPa (0.34 bar, 5 psi).
To avoid spinal and muscular injury, do not attempt to lift the
ISM without assistance.
Alignment pin (2)
Alignment slot (2)