2 Preparing for Operation
September 26, 2013, 715004208 Rev. A
The following table describes the items in the ISM control panel.
You can access these additional functions by right-clicking anywhere in the
ISM control panel.
ISM control panel items:
Control panel item
Flow LED
Displays on the front panel of the solvent
manager the status of the flow state, unless
communications are lost.
Displays the status of the current operation.
System pressure
Displays system pressure, in kPa, bar, or psi.
You can customize pressure units via the
Currently selected solvent
Displays the currently selected solvent (S1,
S2, and so on). If the optional solvent
selection valve is not installed, only S1 will
Flow rate
Displays the flow rate of solvent through all
lines of the ISM, from 0.000 to 2.000 mL/min,
under normal operation, and 0.000 to 4.000
mL/min, when priming.
(Stop flow)
Immediately stops all flow from the ISM.
Additional functions in the ISM control panel:
Control panel function
Start up system
Brings the system to operational conditions
after an extended idle period or when
switching to different solvents.
Prime solvent
Displays the Prime Solvent dialog box and
allows for manual changeover or refreshing
of solvent. Solvents are automatically
shunted to waste.