Lower Occlusion alarm
• LCD: The Lower Occlusion
alarm display flashes red.
• Operation indicator: Flashes
• Buzzer: Activates.
• Pump: Stops.
• The line downstream of the
infusion pump is occluded. (A
broken or crushed infusion set;
clogged filters, intravenous
needles or infusion line may
be the cause.)
• Detach the infusion set and inspect it, and eliminate the
cause of the occlusion.
• An infusion set other than
those specified is being used.
• If an infusion set other than the ones specified is
being used, replace it with the dedicated infusion set.
(See page 19.)
• The infusion set is not installed
• The door was closed without
the infusion set installed.
• Re-set the infusion set correctly. (See page 30.)
• The occlusion icon does not
turn orange even when an
Occlusion alarm is issued.
• The internal pressure of
the infusion line has been
temporarily mitigated by the
bolus reduction function.
• The cause of the occlusion
may have been eliminated.
• Ensure that the cause of the occlusion is eliminated
before resuming delivery. The bolus reduction function
is not able to eliminate the cause of occlusion.
Resuming delivery without eliminate the cause of
occlusion may result in the solution delivery not being
carried out correctly, including a repetitive Occlusion
alarm or drug solution in the infusion line flowing back
to the drip chamber.
• A Lower Occlusion alarm may be activated under the following conditions even when the product is operating correctly:
• Drug has high viscosity.
• Infusion line is narrow.
• Flow rate is high.