Calibration—492/492P Service Vol. 1 (SN B030000 & up)
Table 3-1 (cont)
Equipment or Test Fixture
Recommendation and Use
Function or Sine-Wave
1 Hz to 1 MHz; 0 to 20 V p-p
TEKTRONIX FG 503 Function Gen
erator (used to check external trigger
and horizontal input requirements)
Signal Generator(s)
10 Hz to 10 MHz constant output.
250 kHz— 110 MHz, leveled output
Hewlett-Packard Model 654 (used to
check frequency response)
Two 500 kHz to 2.0 GHz generators
calibrated and leveled. Output,
+ 10 dBm to —100 dBm; spectral
purity, >60 dB below fundamental
TEKTRONIX SG 503 Signal Generator
Hewlett-Packard Model 8640A/B Option 02
and two 8614A (used to check
frequency response; also used as a
signal source for IM and display
accuracy checks)
Sweep Oscillator
100 kHz to 18 GHz; frequency
response, ±1.0dB
Hewlett-Packard Model 8620C with
Model 86290A Option
and 86222B
Sweep Oscillators (used to check
frequency response and flatness)
Power Divider
Hewlett-Packard Model 11667A
Power Meter with Power
-6 0 dBm to —20 dBm full scale;
100 kHz to 18 GHz
Hewlett-Packard Model 435A with
8482A and Power Sensors
Vector Voltmeter
Frequency to 100 MHz
Hewlett-Packard Model 8405A (used
to check CALibrator OUTput)
Power Meter with
Lowpass Filter
Measure —20 dBm within ±0.1 dB. The
filter must have rolloff of 40 dB or
more at 200 MHz
Hewlett-Packard Model 435A with
8481A Sensor (used to check CAL
ibrator OUTput). Filter; Texscan or
Comb Generator UHF
Provide comb line to 18 GHz; accuracy,
0 1
TEKTRONIX Calibration Fixture
067-0885-00 with TM 500 Power
Module (used to check frequency
readout accuracy)
Spectrum Analyzer
Frequency range, 2.0—2.2 GHz
TEKTRONIX 7L18 or 492/492P (used to adjust
1 st and 2nd LO frequency offset)
Attenuator (SMA connectors)
3 dB, 50 Ω; dc to 20 GHz
Weinchel Model 4M.
Tektronix Part No. 015-1053-00
Attenuators (bnc connectors;
two required)
20 dB, 50 Ω; dc to 2.0 GHz
Tektronix Part No. 011-0059-02
Coaxial Cable (50 Ω, 5 ns
SMA connectors)
Tektronix Part No. 015-1006-00
Adapter (N male-to-SMA
Tektronix Part No. 015-0369-00
Adapter (N male-to-bnc
Tektronix Part No. 103-0045-00
T Connector (bnc)
Tektronix Part No. 103-0030-00
REV JUN 1982