Maintenance—492/492P Service Vol. 1 (SN B030000 & up)
Fig. 4-29. A15 and YO through Y2 of address decoder U1021
on the GPIB board.
Fig. 4-30. One enable and outputs LORAM, HIRAM, and GPS of
address decoder U1028 on the GPIB board.
Exceptions for Firmware Versions 8.2, 8.7, and 8.8
EXTERNAL MIXER changes (on or off) cause the
microcomputer to restore the video filter that was in at the
last frequency range change. The front-panel VIDEO FIL
TER indicators will not indicate this change if one is made.
To ensure that the desired filter is activated, after changing
EXTERNAL MIXER selection, reselect the desired filter.
Fig. 4-31. Instrument bus check.
Exceptions for Version 1.1 in the 492P only
The sense of the parallel poll is reversed when the
492P responds to parallel poll.
An error 57 message may be displayed when the
FREQ SPAN/DIV is 2 kHz or less and the FREQUENCY is
tuned to the end of the 2nd LO range (the 2nd LO frequency
is tuned for narrow spans). To validate an error 57 message
in narrow spans, tune the FREQUENCY in the opposite di
rection at least five turns. If the message remains, it indi
cates a hardware failure.
The EXTMXR response is not omitted in the SET que
ry response for Option 08 instruments. As a result, the in
strument reports an error and does not execute the SET
query response. Recommend removing the EXTMXR mes
sage unit before transmitting the SET query response to an
Option 08 instrument.
REV JUN 1983