Theory of Operation—492/492P Service Vol. 1 (SN B030000 & up)
The FINE TUNE VOLTS signal from the Center Frequen
cy Control circuits, which is used to tune the 2nd Local Os
cillator, is applied to the input of U2047. Since it is applied
here, this makes the fine tune voltage independent of the
voltage tripling action in the voltage processor section. The
tuning voltage is also applied to the input networks of
U2045. Thus, by varying the magnitude of signal in the in
verting path compared to the direct path, the proper magni
tude and polarity of fine tune offset for each IF offset is
provided in the preselector drive signal. Table 5-16 lists the
offset voltage required for each frequency band.
Summing Amplifier
The effective oscillator frequency voltage from U2028
and the offset IF voltage from U2045 are applied to the
inverting input of U2047. This stage drives the tracking ad
justments stage and furnishes a signal for external
preselector drive circuits as well. The external drive line has
its own return to reduce ground loops.
Tracking Adjustments
These circuits consist of gain-setting offset and shaping
circuits. R1065 (PRE-SEL SENSE) is used to compensate
for sensitivity variations between preselector stages. R1064
(PRE-SEL OFFSET) is used to compensate for the offset
introduced in previous circuits and for any offset in the
preselector. This adjustment sets the preselector frequency
to 2072 MHz when the output of U2047 is at zero volts.
The four other adjustments (R1054, R1056, R1061, and
R1063), are part of a shaper network. The network compen
sates for magnetic saturation in the preselector, which
would cause a deviation from linearity at frequencies above
14 GHz. Each shaper network is switched in by a resistive
divider that, at a given frequency, forward-biases the diode
in the shaper to shape the current output. Thus, the diodes
compensate for the non-linear action of the YIG tuning.
The front panel PEAKING control applies a small offset
through R5065 to the input of the current driver stage. This
corrects for non-linearity or temperature drift in the 1 st LO
or Preselector.
Current Driver
This stage consists of output stage Q5065/Q5052; FETs
Q3061, Q3077, and Q2074; amplifiers U2054 and U3054;
and transistor Q4037.
FET Q2074, as controlled by the Q3 line of U5031, is
turned off to reduce the coil current to zero when the
preselector is not in use, or during a degauss cycle. During
normal operation, the transistor is conducting.
Preamplifier U2054 reduces the temperature drift of the
output stage. Driver offset adjustment R2066 nulls the off
set voltage, at which point the temperature drift is least.
U2054 drives U3054, the main operational amplifier. FET
Q3061 isolates U3054 from the output driver.
Current amplifier Q5052 drives the main preselector driv
er transistor, Q5065. The stage is biased so current flow
divides with most of the current going through the output
transistor, and a small portion flows through the bias cir
cuits. The currents rejoin at the preselector coil. Resistor
R4049 has four terminals; one set carries the coil current,
the other set senses the voltage and thus the coil current.
When the preselector is not being swept, line 06 is low,
which causes Q4037 to conduct. This causes Q3077 to con
duct, placing C4071 across the Preselector coil. The capaci
tor reduces noise at the output.
Preselector Switch Driver
Operational amplifier U1011B and the complementary
pair of transistors Q4025/Q3025, form the preselector
switch driver. This circuit drives the latching relay that is
depicted on Diagram 12. This relay requires a positive pulse
to select the low-pass filter, and a negative pulse to select
the preselector.
Table 5-16
Frequency Range
A pproxim ate
Voltage O ffset
1.7—5.5 GHz
-82 9 MHz
9.0 volts
3.0—7.1 GHz
+ 829 MHz
3.9 volts
5.4—18.0 GHz
-82 9 MHz
9.0 volts
15.0—21.0 GHz
+ 2.072 GHz
REV AUG 1981