Theory of Operation—492/492P Service Vol. 1 (SN B030000 & up)
Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI). Tied high through a pull-
up, this interrupt is not used by the digital control system.
RESET. This input initializes the 6800 following power-
up. The clock generator (U4035) holds this line low for about
one second for 6800 start-up. After the input goes high, the
6800 begins its initialization routine at the address stored at
FFFE and FFFF. This routine masks interrupts until it is
ready to handle them. It then continues executing the oper
ating program according to the flow chart in Fig. 5-33.
6800 Address and Data Bus
The 6800 address outputs are buffered by U2035 and
U3036; they are always enabled. The data I/O buffer,
U1013, is normally enabled. If disabled by P1020, it isolates
the 6800 from the microcomputer bus data lines for
diagnostics. See further information about diagnostics un
der Address Decoders. The direction of data flow is set by
the R/W line.
Address Decoders U2044 and U1037B drive address se
lect lines and status lights for the microcomputer system.
The address select lines are shown in Table 5-21.
Fig. 5-33. Flow chart of the 6800 main decision paths.
REV AUG 1981