Section 3—492/492P Service Vol. 1
Calibration consists of a Performance Check and an Ad
justment Procedure. The descriptive detail for these proce
dures assume the user is knowledgeable in the use of
sophisticated test equipment and test procedures. The Per
formance Check describes procedures to verify that the in
strument is performing properly and meets specifications
listed in Section 1. All tests can be performed without ac
cess to the interior of the instrument. The Adjustment Pro
cedure provides instructional steps required to recalibrate
the instrument circuits. After adjustment, the performance
should be checked by the procedure described under the
Performance Check part. We recommend adjusting only
those circuits that do not meet performance criteria.
Since most instruments will have one or more options,
procedures for these options are a sub-part of the step and
integrated into this section.
The limits, tolerances, and waveform illustrations are
aids to calibrate the instrument and are not intended as per
formance specifications.
The instrument and manual are periodically evaluated
and updated. If modifications require changes in the calibra
tion procedure, history information applicable to earlier in
struments is included as a deviation within a step or as a
sub-part to a step.
Table 3-1 lists the test equipment and calibration fixtures
recommended for the Performance Check and Adjustment
Procedure. The characteristics specified are the minimum
required for the checks. Substitute equipment must meet or
exceed these characteristics. Special calibration fixtures
that are listed facilitate the procedure. These are available
from Tektronix, Inc., and may be ordered through your local
Tektronix Field Office or representative.
Sophisticated test equipment and/or procedures are re
quired to accurately measure some high tolerance charac
teristics. In these cases, a compromise may be made in the
procedure. Any compromise is indicated by a footnote. Pro
cedures to check these high tolerance specifications, when
a compromise has been made, can be supplied by Tektronix
Service Centers.
Table 3-1
Equipment or Test Fixture
Recommendation and Use
Test Oscilloscope
Vertical sensitivity, 50 mV/Div to
5 V/Div
Any TEKTRONIX 7000-Series oscillo
scope with plug-in units for real-time
display such as:
7A11/7B50A, and P6108 1X Probe (used
to monitor signal and voltage levels)
Two Time Mark Generators
Marker output, 1 s to 1 ms;
0 . 0 0 1
TEKTRONIX TG 501 and TM 500-Series
Power Module (used to check time/div
and span accuracy)
Microwave Frequency Counter 10 Hz to 10 GHz, -2 0 dBm sensitivity
Hewlett Packard Microwave
Frequency Counter 5342A (used
to measure the Calibrator or 2nd
LO frequency)
REV AUG 1981