Medium Optical Disk (RW551/RW552) Library
EK–MOL80–SV. B01
The two types of diagnostics available for the jukebox are:
Offline Diagnostics - Hewlett-Packard offers a diagnostic program called
DOSDASS4 for use with the optical disk jukebox. These diagnostics can be
obtained from the Digital Customer Support Center at CXO. This PC-based
diagnostic program allows you to fully test the autochanger mechanism or the
optical drive mechanism.
Internal Diagnostics - These tests are run from the control panel and are under
the ADMIN selection. These tests are fully explained later in this chapter.
Offline Diagnostics
A diagnostic utility called DOSDASS4 is available to authorized service
organizations from Hewlett-Packard for accessing the jukebox through the SCSI
bus or from the Digital Customer Support Center at CXO. DOSDASS4 fully
exercises the standalone multifunction optical drives and the autochanger.
troubleshooting until you are sure the system
SCSI bus is INACTIVE and will REMAIN
Removing power while the bus is active can cause
data loss and/or indeterminate bus states. Check
the host system reference manuals for information
on checking the status of the SCSI bus.
Operation and Installation Error information is listed in Table 4–2.