Chapter 5. Removal and Replacement
EK–MOL80–SV. B01
Figure 5–35 Pivoting The Tensioner Lever To Release Tension
Release the tension on the rear rope tensioner (drive rope). Grip the rope ten-
sioner plastic section with one hand and pull back the metal section with
your other hand to release the metal securing tab seated in the plastic sec-
tion. The metal section will swing out and off pivoting pegs on the plastic
Take the drive rope off the top two pulleys.
Unhook the rope tensioner spring from drive rope end and remove the drive
rope end from the rope tensioner.
Remove the other end of the drive rope from the rope tensioner. The drive
rope will now hang loose except for where it is connected to the rope coupler
Remove one T-15 screw from the rope coupler cover.