Medium Optical Disk (RW551/RW552) Library
EK–MOL80–SV. B01
Ejecting an Optical Disk from the Jukebox
Some software packages require that disks
be inserted and removed using the software.
Check with the system administrator to
determine if the software used to manage
disks in the jukebox requires ejection under
software control.
1. With
displayed, press NEXT until EJECT* displays, and then
press ENTER.
2. EJECT and SLOT## ("##" is the number of the first storage slot in the
jukebox that contains an optical disk) alternately display.
3. If you want to select the storage slot number in the display, press ENTER. If
you want to choose a different storage slot, press NEXT or PREV until the
desired slot number is displayed and then press ENTER. (See the note on the
following page.)
Initially, EJECTING flashes on the jukebox display. When the disk has been
moved into the mailslot EJECTED displays briefly and the EJECT* displays.
4. Remove the optical disk from the mailslot. You may now eject additional
disks by pressing ENTER and then following steps 2 through 4 until all disks
that you wish to eject are removed, or press CANCEL to return to the
READY state.