IMx-M Manager
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 79
User Manual
The Ethernet connection status LED "Con" must be OFF.
By entering the maintenance mode, IMx-M will stop
nicating to any @Observer Monitor process that is
In the Maintenance View, IMx-M connection address may be changed, if needed.
The default connection address is the CMM network setting when Setting Slot
to continue.
After the connection is established, certain values will be updated every 2 seconds
reflecting live data. However, no data will be captured or buffered in the CMM +
PRM module during the maintenance mode. In addition, events registered during
the maintenance mode will not be saved.
When maintenance mode is active, it is possible to arm the slot in order to evaluate
it's behavior to real or other injected signals when armed.
Important - Arming the system may cause relays to trigger. Alarms must be
evaluated before arming.
Once Maintenance View is closed, it may take up to 2 minutes to get the
communication back to @Observer Monitor. The
Ethernet connection status LED
"CON" shall be ON.
Important - Entering or leaving maintenance mode will not affect arm/disarm
state which will remain unchanged. The slot will stay in the state it was
(arm/disarm) when maintenance mode is terminated.
Important - Any triggered latching alarm will stay active when leaving
maintenance mode. Before arming the slot, alarms should be evaluated and any
triggered latching alarms should be handled appropriately (reset if needed).