Protection Part Operation
2 - 50
SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
To enable trip mult slot 1
Trip mult enabled
To disarm trip mult slot 1
Trip mult disabled
Figure 2 - 31.
Display - Trip Multiply Slot.
Trip Mult Ch
Select an analog channel between 1 and 16 with up and down arrows.
Confirm enable or disable trip multiply for the selected channel with
(toggle value).
Trip multiply status will be stored in the backplane and will be
restored after power cycle or hot-swap.
To enable ch1 trip mult
To disable ch1 trip mult
Figure 2 - 32.
Display - Trip Mult Ch.
In order to set the slot in the maintenance mode, the slot has to be in
disarm mode. If not, go back to Channel Action menu and select
Arm/Disarm Slot
and disarm the slot.