IMx-M Manager
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 61
User Manual
Entering Administration Mode
Before any existing project configuration can be changed, the user must first enter a
password to allow the Manager to enter the administration mode. The password dialog
will be launched automatically as soon as the user attempts to save any changes to the
Figure 2 - 39.
Entering Administration Mode.
Navigating IMx-M Manager Main Menu
"File" Menu Selection
New Project
Use this menu option to create a new IMx-M Manager project. If an existing
project is already open, a message will be prompted to close the open project
before continuing.
Open Existing Project
Use this menu option to open an existing IMx-M Manager project (file type
*.mhf). If a project is already open, a message will be prompted to close the
open project before continuing.
Recent Projects
Displays a list of existing IMx-M Manager projects that have been recently
opened and can be immediately opened. If a project is already open, a message
will be prompted to close the open project before continuing.
Project Properties
Use this menu option to display the properties of the currently open IMx-M
Manager project.