Protection Module Configuration with IMx-M Manager
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 123
User Manual
use this value to prevent rapid alarm state switching. Hysteresis values
are used to determine when to leave the Alert/Danger state.
For detailed information refer to Hysteresis setting in Alarm Levels when
configuring an analog channel.
Configuring 4-20 mA Outputs
4-20 mA output is used as means of carrying analog signals from IMx-M protection to
the distributed control system (DCS).
Important –The use of 4-20 mA outputs should be limited to monitoring
purposes only. For protection and safety alert/danger triggering relay outputs must
be used.
Each slot offers 16 4-20 mA outputs which can either be directly assigned to an analog
input channel or a combined measurement. See below for some examples.
4-20 mA
output 1 relates to analog ch 1 or combined measurement 1 (Ch1/Ch2)
4-20 mA
output 2 relates to analog ch 2 or combined measurement 1 (Ch1/Ch2)
4-20 mA out
put 3 relates to analog ch 3 or combined measurement 2 (Ch3/Ch4)
4-20 mA
output 4 relates to analog ch 4 or combined measurement 2 (Ch3/Ch4)
4-20 mA output 15 relates to analog ch 15 or combined measurement 8
4-20 mA output 16 relates to analog ch 16 or combined measurement 8
To configure a 4-20 mA output, either double-click on the required output in the main
work view, or select a 4-20 mA output and press the “Edit” button.
Figure 2 - 96.
Configuring 4-
20 mA Outputs
This will launch the 4-20 mA
Output setup dialog as shown in the figure below, where
the required 4-
20 mA Output type can be selected and confirmed with the OK button.