Protection Module Configuration with IMx-M Manager
2 - 98
SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
Updating Network Configuration
Once a slot Network configuration file has been created and saved successfully, the
condition monitoring module can be updated with this Network configuration file
The actual physical connection between the host PC and the condition monitoring
module is described in the Condition Monitoring Module Serial (USB) Interface in CM
Part Configuration section.
The procedure of updating the Network configuration file is described in the CMM Serial
Interface in "Serial Communication" Menu Selection.
Configuring a Slot
Each IMx-M slot has four setting groups that can be configured from within the
hierarchy configuration; Analog Channels, Combined Measurements, Digital Channels
and 4-
20 mA Outputs.
Figure 2 - 82.
Four Groups of Slot Settings.
Configuration of a slot can be copied from an existing slot. Right-click on a slot and
Copy From...
option and choose an existing slot.
Configuration of a selected slot can also be cleared by right-clicking on a slot and
Configuring Analog Channels
Configuring an individual channel is a two stage process which involves initiating a
channel and configuring the channel.
From the main configuration hierarchy, select and expand the target slot and then click
on the analog channels icon. This will then display the current status of each of the 16
analog channels for this slot.