SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
Index - 1
User Manual
4-20 mA output 4-23
4-20 mA output voltage selection 4-23
absolute shaft vibration 2-4
analog channel configuration 2-98
analog channels 1-6
analog inputs 4-14, 7-2
analog measurement 7-3
backplane 7-1
buffered outputs 4-21
back side buffered outputs 4-21
front panel BNC buffered outputs 4-22
cabinet 4-2
casing vibration 2-5
channel disarm 2-52
channel settings 2-98
circuit fault diagnostic command 2-34, 2-38, 2-
I/O card circuit faults 2
relay card circuit faults 2-38
triggered bits of combined conditions 2-41
CM part 1-6, 2-188, 3-1, 4-13, 4-14, 4-18, 4-
35, 7-2, 7-4, 7-5
analog inputs 4-14, 7-2
analog measurement 7-4
diagnostic commands 4-35
digital inputs 4-18, 7-2
digital measurement 7-5
electrical interface 4-13
IMx-M time 3-1
interface 7-5
Modbus (L3) 2-188
signal processing 7-5
USB port 4-35
buffer storage capacity 1-8
serial (USB) interface 4-25
communication cable 4-13
cable type 4-13
Ethernet cable 4-13
complementary differential expansion (CDE) 2-6
component check 6-3
configure IMx-M 2-119, 2-124
analog channels 2-98
digital channels 2-119
relays 2-124
connections 7-18
relay card 7-18
cooling 4-3
CPU card 4-29, 7-12, 7-22
DIP switches and jumpers 7-22
drawing 7-12
LEDs 4-29
pair 1-6
daisy chain 4-13
data communication 4-13
digital channel configuration 2-119
digital inputs 4-18, 7-2
digital measurement 7-3, 7-5
dimensions 7-1
DIP switch settings 4-14, 4-18
analog inputs 4-14
digital inputs 4-18
disarm 2-52, 2-53
channel disarm 2-52
release of system/slot disarm 2
slot disarm 2-52
system disarm 2-53
dismounting 4-2
drawings 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, 7-10, 7-11, 7-12, 7-
13, 7-21, 7-22
channels and DIP switches on I/O card 7
CPU card 7-12
DIP switches and jumpers on CPU card 7-22
front panel 7-8
I/O card 7
power supply unit 7-10
rack 7-7
rear panel 7-9
relay card 7-11
electrical interface 4-6
electrical isolated parts 4-8