Measurement Types
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 19
User Manual
The measurement is derived from the measured period time of the number of pulses
configured per revolution.
The number of input pulses per revolution must be 1 when the
channel is used as trigger for Piston Rod Drop.
There is a peak speed detection function. Peak speed for a digital channel will be stored
(as events) if both of the following conditions are met:
The detected peak speed value is above alarm level
No new peak speed value is detected within 1 minute
The 1 minute delay is to avoid numerous events during
acceleration. This will also mean that the event will be generated
after 1 minute from the detection of the peak speed. The time
stamp in the event is the time of the detection.
Important: Peak speed will not be updated during slot disarm.
Peak speed value is available through Modbus and Event Log.
It is possible to reset (set to zero) the peak speed value via the local display, the
imported (write single) Modbus register
and Ethernet (Observer).
Important: Reset of peak speed will reset all peak speed values within the slot.
is measured with RTD (PT100) sensors. The measurement range is
to +150 °C (
4 to +302 °F
Temperature difference
measures the temperature difference between two
Temperature measurement type channels.