IMx-M Manager
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 57
User Manual
This means that for an IMx-M rack with all four slots populated, shall need to have nine
files created (one master project file, four network configuration files and four slot
configuration files) with eight of those files being downloaded to the rack.
Figure 2 - 35.
Dual Configuration Download.
Important - PC connection to the condition monitoring module must only be
made via an SKF USB Isolator.
PC connection to the protection module must similarly also only be made via an
SKF mini-USB Isolator.
Important - A slot Configuration File cannot be downloaded to the protection
module while the slot is still ARMED. The procedure for slot disarm is detailed in
Slot Disarm chapter.
Important - With PCs running either Windows 7 or Windows 8, the required
USB drivers will be downloaded and installed automatically. For PCs running legacy
OSes (such as Windows XP), please refer to the @ptitude Observer installation DVD.