Protection Part Operation
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 33
User Manual
n Status LED is slow blinking green,
Check that there are no circuit faults - Circuit Fault LED should no
longer be lit up.
If circuit fault LED is still lit up the user is advised to use the
diagnostic command cf and check the cause of the circuit fault.
Evaluate any alarm conditions that could trigger relays.
Arm system (rack)
System is now up and running protecting the machine.
For condition monitoring startup see @ptitude Observer User Manual
(Document Part
Number 32170900).
Circuit Faults (cf)
The system will signal
Circuit Fault
if some condition has arisen that prevents the
system from measuring/protecting correctly.
The Circuit Fault is indicated by
LED in front panel
Dedicated relay output
Status register readable over Modbus, USB and over Ethernet.
Event log
The status register presents the cause of the Circuit Fault. For decoding of CF status
bits see tables below or use IMx-Manager CF.
diagnostic command only checks the protection module, of which a USB is
connected to, and it's associated relay module.
Each relay module is associated with a protection module;
Relay module 1 with protection module 1,
Relay module 2 with protection module 2,
Relay module 3 with protection module 3.
Important - See also chapter "Relays on Relay Modules" and "Behavior of Slot
Status Relays" for details when shared relays are used.
Important - A circuit fault always overrides danger/alert in events (danger/alert
is checked, but ignored when circuit fault is reported). You might see entries in the
Event log of danger/alert reported on measurements with cable faults. This is
logged only for internal event tracing purposes.