Measurement Types
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 17
User Manual
Connect the sensor to one digital input
Connect the remaining digital inputs to the buffered digital output
associated with the digital input at which the sensor is connected.
Make sure the digital inputs are correctly configured as described
in Digital Inputs in Hardware Configuration.
Figure 2 - 13.
Distributing O
ne Tacho Signal Source to Several Digital Inputs.
Using Digital Input as Measurement Trigger
One digital channel input is directly connected to a defined pair of
analog channels.
Digital channel input 1 to Analog Channel 1 and 2
Digital channel input 2 to Analog Channel 3 and 4
Digital channel input 3 to Analog Channel 5 and 6
Digital channel input 7 to Analog Channel 13 and 14
Digital channel input 8 to Analog Channel 15 and 16
If a digital channel input needs to be used as the trigger for an analog channel that is
not directly connected as stated above, then that digital channel signal must be routed
to the correct digital channel input via an external cable from a digital channel buffered
output to the digital channel input in question. The digital channel buffered outputs (Buf