Protection Module Configuration with IMx-M Manager
2 - 118
SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
Table 2-27: Trip multiply activation logic for combined measurement.
Trip multiply activation logic for Combined measurement
Ch X
Ch Y
Combined measurement (of Ch X
and Ch Y)
Not activated
Not activated
Not activated
Not activated
Not activated
It is not possible to activate trip multiply for only the combined
Slot trip multiply will activate/deactivate/override channel trip
multiply status.
The trip multiply status is stored in the backplane and will be recovered after a
power cycle or hot-swap procedure.
Trigger relay on Channel #:
use this check box to select whether an alarm
condition of the selected channel number should trigger a relay.
A channel can be set for trigger relay on more than one alarm settings such as
alarm levels, Gap alarm levels and combined measurement alarm levels. If a
channel is set for more than one trigger relay, the relay will trigger when at least
one alarm condition is met. It is using an "OR" logic.
Important facts to be considered for combined measurements:
If a corresponding channel X or channel Y is in channel disarm, the combined
measurement will be in channel disarm and relay will not be triggered.
Slot disarm will affect combined measurement.
For CDE combined measurement: If
corresponding channel X and channel Y
are in channel circuit fault, the combined measurement will be in channel circuit
fault and relay will not be triggered.
For other types of combined measurements: If a corresponding channel X
channel Y is in channel circuit fault, the combined measurement will be in channel
circuit fault and relay will not be triggered.