Protection Module Configuration with IMx-M Manager
2 - 122
SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
Alarm Levels for Speed Type
The following additional Alarm Levels settings are for the Speed (or tachometer input)
channel type.
Important - IMx-M shall be used for speed alarming only. It shall not be used
to protect/trip machine on overspeed. IMx-M does not fulfill the requirements
related to overspeed protection.
Figure 2 - 95.
Entering Speed Alarm Levels (Alert and Danger).
Low / High:
these check boxes enable or disable the associated alarm setting.
The alarm range for Speed type is 0 to 65 000 rpm.
A channel going into Danger state will always cause the channel
to Alert state as well, even if Alert setting was disabled. In such
case, the channel status is Alert and Danger.
Enter Time:
represent the period for a channel to have exceeded an alarm level
before an actual alarm condi
tion is raised. Alert/Danger ON trigger will be delayed
by this Enter Time.
Leave Time:
represents the period which a channel in alarm has to be in its normal
operating range before the alarm condition is canceled. Alert/Danger "Off" trigger
will be delayed by this Leave Time.