Protection Part Operation
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SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
Important - Rack/protection module and the associated relay module must be
properly configured before disarm is released after each configuration update. Be
sure to read "Disarm" chapter thoroughly and understand it. Evaluate circuit faults
with diagnostic command "cf" as described in "Circuit Faults (cf)" chapter.
Important - Evaluate channel alarms before disarm is released to avoid
unwanted alert/danger alarms triggered upon arm of the channel or rack.
Protection Configuration Update
Protection module configuration update is done by downloading a configuration file to a
protection module via the application tool IMx-
M Manager or via @ptitude Observer
with Ethernet connection.
Configuration file is a .bin file generated by the IMx-M Manager application tool.
In order to download a configuration file to a protection module refer to
Send PRM
option in PRM Serial Interface within IMx-M Manager chapter.
Important - Do not arm the slot while the configuration file is still downloading.
This can result in an invalid configuration, forcing the system to indicate a circuit
fault condition.
Important - Rack/slot must be set in disarm mode before the protection
configuration synchronization procedure takes place. Be sure to read "Disarm"
chapter thoroughly and understand it.
Important - Do not turn off the power during the protection configuration
update process.
Important - If a digital input was configured for slot disarm, then the new
configuration to be downloaded/synchronized must have the same digital input
configured as "slot disarm".
Protection Firmware Update
Protection firmware update is done by downloading a firmware by using the application
tool IMx-M Manager.
Refer to
Update Firmware
option in PRM Serial Interface within IMx-M Manager
It is strongly recommended to;
check the version of the firmware to ensure the correct version after each firmware
update by using the diagnostic command "
" as described in Protection Part
have the same version of the firmware for all the slots within the rack.
Important - Rack/slot must be set in slot disarm mode before the protection
firmware updating procedure takes place. Be sure to read "Disarm" chapter
thoroughly and understand it.