Protection Module Configuration with IMx-M Manager
2 - 112
SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
Gap Alarm Levels
This additional alarm group is also divided into two distinct types; alert and
As these alarms relate specifically to the use of proximity probes, they can only
be set when using Radial Shaft Vibration or Eccentricity channel types.
Supported alarm settings are the following. See Alarm Levels section, above
for detailed descriptions.
Low and High:
measured in Volts.
Enter Time
Trigger Relay
measured in Volts.
Configuring Combined Measurements
Combined measurements are effectively additional channel types which are derived
from two existing consecutive channels that are grouped as a pair, where each signal is
of the same (EU) unit type.
For example, combined measurement 1 is based on pre-configured analog channel 1
and 2, combined measurement 2 is based on pre-configured analog channel 3 and 4,
combined measurement 7 is based on pre-configured analog channel 13 and 14 and
combined measurement 8 is based on pre-configured analog channel 15 and 16.
As each slot supports 16 analog channels, it is possible to add a maximum of eight
combined measurements to a slot. The concept is shown in the figure below.
Figure 2 - 88.
Examples of Combined Measurements.
The combined measurement value may differ from the
sum/difference of th
e individual channel's values depending on
the measurement type and a possible phase shift between the
input signals.