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SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
The IMx-M Protection Module supports a number of different types of alarms
Alert: A configured parameter value at which an Alert alarm is activated in order to
warn of a condition that requires corrective action.
Danger: A configured parameter value at which shutdown of the machine is
required to be performed either automatically or manually.
The output of a measurement channel is compared against the configured alert and
danger levels. The sensor input levels are also compared to configured Sensor OK
values. If any of these levels are violated and the conditions of configured hysteresis and
enter/leave delay times are met the alarms and circuit fault status will
be updated and
Relay Modules are configured to listen to this alarm status and system status/circuit
fault information. If the configured relay activation conditions are fulfilled the relay will
be activated.
See also Circuit Faults (cf).
A channel going into Danger state will always cause the channel
to Alert state as well, even if Alert setting was disabled. In such
case, the channel status is Alert and Danger.
Trip Multiply Factor
Some measurement types support the enabling of a trip multiply factor which can alter
the alert and danger levels with a configurable value when the Trip Multiply input is
active. Trip Multiply can be configured to effect either the alert, danger or both. Trip
Multiply is usually activated during machine start up in order to avoid triggering alarms,
for instance when the machine passes through speeds/frequencies with increased
resonant vibrations.
The activation of trip multiply at the slot is done via:
Digital Channels interface by selecting the Trip-multiply input type
Local display selection keypad located on the front of condition monitoring
Modbus register 259 as described in
Imported (Write Single) Modbus Register
The activation of trip multiply at the channel level is done via:
Local display selection keypad located on the front of condition monitoring
Modbus register 260 as described in