Protection Module Configuration with IMx-M Manager
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 157
User Manual
Figure 2 - 131.
Configuring Active Alarms and Alarm Parameters for Channel 1.
For this example, once the Piston rod drop channel 1 has been configured,
either Piston rod drop channel 2 or the combined measurement can be
By pressing the OK button and selecting the new measurement from the
”Analog channels” or “Combined Measurements” configuration branch.
Alternatively, by pressing the “Paired Channel (Ch2)” or the “Combined
Meas 1 (
Ch1/Ch2)” button (see figure above). This will save the current
channel settings, and then launch a new “Analog Channel” or “Combined
Measurement” dialogue.
This example continues with the clicking of “Paired Channel (Ch2)” which brings
up the “Initiate Analogue Channel” dialogue box.
Initiate the analog channel two. The fields are automatically filled in with the
same values as for channel one because “Use Combined Measurement” was
checked during the initiation of analog channel one.