6.6 Connecting terminals and interfaces
AT40, ATD400V, ATD400K, ATD4xxW, ATD400S, ATE250S, ATD400T
System Manual, 06/2016, A2B00096162-AN
The interface is implemented according to CiA 301, profile 417. The SIDOOR Service Tool
must be used to set the power of command to CAN, so that the controller can be addressed
via the CAN bus. The factory settings of the major parameters are:
Factory setting
Command output
Digital IO (digital inputs)
CANopen node ID
Baud rate
Door number
When the baud rate is set to "automatic", the CAN module automatically determines the
baud rate on the CAN bus. To do this, the CAN module must have received some valid CAN
telegrams. The LED H3 flashes at 5 Hz (quick flashing) while the baud rate is being
automatically determined.
LED signals
All LED signals are listed in the following table.
LED signal (H3)
CANopen state machine
"Pre-operational" or
NO CAN telegrams are received
(1 x per second)
CAN telegrams are received
NO CAN telegrams are received
(1 x per second)
CAN telegrams are received
Automatic determination of the baud rate