6.2 Drive functions
AT40, ATD400V, ATD400K, ATD4xxW, ATD400S, ATE250S, ATD400T
System Manual, 06/2016, A2B00096162-AN
Positioning mode
Positioning mode serves to absolutely position the drive. The positioning system calculates a
travel profile for the optimum movement of the drive to the required target position on the
basis of the driving parameters and the current distance from the target position. Positioning
mode does not include any position control and operates with an accuracy of 1 cm. The
source voltage brake is activated once the target position has been reached. After the target
position has been reached, the door can be moved ±2 cm out of the target position before
the drive returns to the target position. The positioning system operates with hysteresis. The
drive responds dynamically (including reversing) to changes in the target position data while
keeping to the values parameterized for force and energy limiting.
Obstruction detection
The obstruction detection system (see Section Obstruction detection (Page 59)) is not
active in positioning mode.
Positioning mode can only be activated from normal mode and at standstill via the
"positioning" door command. It can be modified by the "NDG" and "slow" door command
extensions. The target position is transferred as the DESTPOS signal (see Table 6-77
DESTPOS signal (Page 207)) in technology control word 2 (TSW2) of the process image.
The target position is automatically limited to the learned door boundaries.
Sensor signals are evaluated in positioning mode. You will find the response of the
controller/drive to the applicable sensor signals in Section Type 2 ESPE (Page 44) or
Pressure-sensitive edge (SR) (Page 46).
Motor protection
To protect the motor, a monitoring function is active that switches off (deenergizes) the drive
if the specified target position cannot be reached, e.g. due to an obstruction.