6.11 Structure of user data/process data
AT40, ATD400V, ATD400K, ATD4xxW, ATD400S, ATE250S, ATD400T
System Manual, 06/2016, A2B00096162-AN
Structure of user data/process data
The structure of the user data block in the telegram is independent of the specification of the
USS/PROFINET/PROFIBUS specification used for data transfer. The structure (contents
and structure) of the user/process data largely corresponds to the specifications for the cyclic
data exchange of the PROFIBUS "variable-speed drives" profile. This ensures that users can
use the same mechanisms to access the process data (= control/status words and
setpoints/actual values) and parameters of a device irrespective of whether this is done via
Telegram data structure
The user data for cyclic data transfer are subdivided into two areas that can be transferred in
every telegram:
Parameter area (PKW)
The PKW area handles the parameter transfer between two communication partners (for
example SIMATIC and SIDOOR).
This involves, for example, reading and writing parameter values and reading parameter
The PKW interface generally contains tasks for operation and display, maintenance and
Process data area (PZD)
The PZD area consists of signals that are required for automation:
Control words and setpoints from the master to the slave
Status words and actual values from the slave to the master
The contents of the parameter area and the process data area are defined by the slave
drives. You will find additional information about this in the drive documentation.
Image 6-31 User data structure