6.2 Drive functions
AT40, ATD400V, ATD400K, ATD4xxW, ATD400S, ATE250S, ATD400T
System Manual, 06/2016, A2B00096162-AN
Learn run
Description of function
A learn run serves to determine and store the characteristics of a particular system.
For the M4, MDG400, MDG400 NMS and M5 motors, the output transmission (Page 86)
must be checked prior to each learn run and adjusted if necessary.*
Types of learn run (via learn run button)
Two types of learn run can be made if the learn run button is pressed as follows:
When the line voltage is applied
If the learn run button is operated directly when the line voltage is applied, the connected
motor type is learned. All driving parameters and force and energy limiting parameters
are automatically reset to their factory defaults before the learn run is begun. The learn
run determines the door width, weight and friction. The speed in NDG mode and the
maximum closing and opening speeds are also limited as a function of the determined
weight and parameterized energy limiting. Friction compensation is also coordinated with
the determined door parameters.
Application examples: initial commissioning or when commissioning a new motor type
During operation
If the learn run button is actuated during ongoing operation, a learn run is started to
determine the door's width, weight and friction. The speed in NDG mode and the
maximum closing and opening speeds are also limited as a function of the determined
weight and parameterized energy limiting. Friction compensation is also coordinated with
the determined door parameters. The driving parameters and force and energy limiting
parameters are retained.
Application examples: modifying the properties of the door system (door width or friction)