Operating Instructions
Flexi Classic Gateways
© SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved
Subject to change without notice
EtherNet/IP Gateway
Slave mode specific statistics
Received From PLC
Displays the number of EtherNet/IP messages and responses
received from the PLC(s).
Sent To PLC
Displays the number of messages and responses sent to the
Request Messages From
Displays the number of request messages received from the
Broadcasts Received
From PLC
Displays the number of broadcast messages received from
the PLC(s).
Bad Responses To
Messages Sent To PLC
Displays the number of bad responses from messages sent to
the PLC(s). Bad responses are typically returned for such
errors as:
Incorrect Tag or File names
Incorrect Tag or File data types
Incorrect Tag or File data sizes
PLC is overloaded and cannot handle the amount of
Ethernet traffic.
PLC malfunction
Invalid Network Path
Displays the number of network path errors on messages sent
to the PLC(s). These are typically caused by incorrect IP ad-
dress settings.
No Response From PLC
Displays the number of no responses from messages sent to
the PLC(s). No responses are typically returned for such errors
Incorrect IP Address
Incorrect PLC configuration
PLC malfunction
PLC is overloaded and cannot handle the amount of
Ethernet traffic.
Pending Request Limit
Displays the number of pending request limit errors. These
errors occur when the PLC is sending a continuous stream of
messages to the UE410-EN module faster than the UE410-EN
can process them.
Unexpected Event Errors Displays the number of unexpected event errors. Unexpected
event errors occur when the UE410-EN module receives an
unexpected message from the PLC such as an unexpected
response or unknown message.
Unsupported CIP
Request Instance Errors
Displays the number of unsupported CIP request instance
errors. These errors occur when a message with an invalid
instance is sent to the UE410-EN module.
Unsupported CIP
Request Service Errors
Displays the number of unsupported CIP request service
errors. These errors occur when a message with an invalid
service is sent to the UE410-EN module.
Tab. 92: Statistical data and
diagnostic data of the
interface to the PLC