KH 8384-5 EN
Firmware revisions (Communication K)
K 1.24
BUS_ADDRESS parameter:
the bus address has the default setting of 248.
Device type:
in the delivered state, the device is configured as a basic device.
K 1.25
Internal revisions
K 2.01
Additional function blocks:
2x DO (Discrete Output), 1x IS (Input Selector), 1x MAI (Multiple
Analog Input), 1x MAO (Multiple Analog Output).
New functions:
the following new functions are implemented in the DO Function Block (Discrete
Discrete analysis of on/off valves
• Start partial stroke test (PST)
• Start and reset the data logger
Resetting the diagnosis
• Stop diagnosis
• Move to fail-safe position
• Lock on-site operation
Action on fault detection:
If the AO Transducer Block is in O/S mode and the condensed state
changes to "Maintenance alarm", the following actions can be started:
• Hold last value
• Move valve to fail-safe position
Move to a predefined fault state value
K 2.02
Partial stroke test (PST):
configuration of the partial stroke test (PST) over the FF parameters is no
longer possible. Configuration over the TROVIS-VIEW software is still possible.
K 2.03
Partial stroke test (PST):
configuration of the partial stroke test (PST) over the FF parameters is no
longer possible. Configuration over the TROVIS-VIEW software is still possible. The partial stroke test
can be started over the binary input BI2.
K 2.04
Internal revisions
K 2.05
Internal revisions
K 2.06
Process control system:
new firmware compatible with Honeywell Experion
control system.
Communication: improved communication of valve positions smaller than –0.9 %.
K 2.07
Testing device functioning:
monitoring of internal device communication has been added to the cyclic
testing of the device functions.