KH 8384-5 EN
Firmware revisions (Communication K)
K 1.21
"Device not initialized" diagnostic alarm:
the diagnostic alarm “Device not initialized” is
generated when the positioner is not initialized and the condensed state is set to “Maintenance
Leakage sensor at binary input 2:
The connection of a leakage sensor at binary input 2 (by
selecting LEAKAGE SENSOR in CONFIG_BINARY_INPUT2 parameter of the AO Transducer
Block) causes:
Information specified in XD_ERROR_EXT parameter in the AO Transducer Block and the
generation of a diagnostic alarm which is logged
The state of the binary input is reported in BINARY_INPUT2 parameter in the AO Transducer
The connection of a leakage sensor at binary input 2 (by selecting LEAKAGE SENSOR in
CONFIG_BINARY_INPUT2 parameter of the AO Transducer Block) causes:
Information specified in XD_ERROR_EXT parameter in the AO Transducer Block and the
generation of a diagnostic alarm which is logged
The state of the binary input is reported in BINARY_INPUT2 parameter in the AO Transducer
Display of the operating range FINAL_VALUE_RANGE:
the correction of the operating range
FINAL_VALUE_RANGE over on-site operation of the positioner (Code 8/9) is also transferred
over fieldbus in firmware version K 1.21 and higher.
De-energized internal solenoid valve:
a masking allows to set whether a de-energized internal
solenoid valve generates an AO block error, resulting in a block alarm.
the SOLENOID_SELECT parameter in firmware K 1.21 and
higher allows to set whether a "Maintenance now" block error of the AO Transducer Block results
in an output error in the AO Function Block.
new range: 1000 to 990 000 000
K 1.22
Operating range FINAL_VALUE_RANGE:
the operating range FINAL_VALUE_RANGE of the AO
Transducer Block is compared on entering it with TRANSM_PIN_POS.
If the TRANSM_PIN_POS parameter is changed, the positioner checks whether the setting and
unit match the current operating range FINAL_VALUE_RANGE. If this is not the case, the FINAL_
VALUE_RANGE parameter is set to 0 to 100 %.
VALVE_TYPE parameter:
the parameter of the AO Transducer Block is set depending on the
selected PIN_POS. The last setting is kept when VALVE_TYPE is set to OFF.
FINAL_VALUE parameter:
the output value is scaled with FINAL_VALUE_ RANGE in firmware
K 1.22 and higher and not as previously with XD_SCALE.
Display of O/S mode in AO Transducer Block:
if the AO Transducer Block is set to O/S mode,
this is indicated in the positioner display by MAN/AUTO.
K 1.23
Internal revisions