PL-5910 Series User Manual
Function area
Virtual coordinates
(0, -40)
Display coordinates
Display coordinates
(0, 0)
Utility Programs
8 Using MS-DOS
8.1.1 Touch Panel Handler (Atph59.exe)
1 MS-DOS Utility Programs
2 Serial Communication
These MS-DOS
utilities canbe used only if the PL unit's OS is MS-DOS. The Win-
dows OS' MS-DOS
prompt and command prompt cannot be used.
With an analog touch panel, input is recognized within a 1024 x 1024 pixel area, with
the lower left-hand corner as the coordinate origin point. However, most display panels
use the upper left-hand corner as the origin point and have a resolution of 640 x 480
pixels. Consequently, depending on the conditions of use, the touch panel position and
display position may not be the same. Here, the ATPH59.EXE application solves this
problem by converting input from the touch panel into the corresponding display panel
coordinates, allowing the use of application programs which use absolute coordinate
input or area input from a touch panel.
The relationship between touch panel coordinates and display coordinates is as follows.
Touch panel coordinates
(1023, 1023)
Touch panel coordinates
(0, 0)
Function area
Virtual coordinates
(639, 519)
When the ATPH59.exe program is used, touch panel coordinates are converted to
display coordinates.