Chapter 7 - Using Windows
PL-5910 Series User Manual
When using Windows
1) Start the Control Panel’s [Users and Passwords].
2) Select an automatic log-on user and deselect the [Users must enter a user name
and password to use this computer (E)] checkbox.
3) Click on the [Advancedl] tab and deselect the [Require users to press Ctrl-Alt-
Delete before logging on ( R )] checkbox.
4) Click the [Apply(A)] button and when the automatic login dialog box appears,
enter your password.
When using Windows NT
1) Click on the 2000 main screen's "Start" button, and select the "Enter Filename"
item. Enter the text "C:\WINNT\REGEDIT.EXE" and press [Enter] to start the
2) When the REGEDIT Registry Tree appears, select the "Winlogon" subkey via
the following text:
3) In the "DefaultUserName" field, enter the User name to be used for the Auto-
matic Log-on.
4) Select the Edit menu's [New/String Value] feature.
5) To the Data Items present, add "AutoAdminLogon" to the Name column's data,
and then enter "1" in that entry's Data field.
6) Add "Default Password" to the Name column's data, and enter the password
used previously for the DefaultUserName in the Data field.
A user with no password cannot automatically log on.
7) REGEDIT data entry is now finished.
• If a User attempting to automatically log on is not attached to an "Administra-
tors" group, i.e. no Default Password string is specified, Windows NT automati-
cally changes the value of the AutoAdminLogon key from 1(true) to 0(false), thereby
disabling the AutoAdminLogon feature. In that case, if the Shift key is held down
during Logoff, the "Login Data" dialog box will appear and the User can use the
name of another, registered User to log-on successfully.
• If Auto LogOn Setting are not entered, when logging on, a PS/2 type keyboard is
Perform the following settings as required by your OS.
7.4.1 Automatic System Log-On Setup
Windows NT
4.0 / Windows
2000 Settings