56 Planmeca Chairside CAD/CAM solution
User’s manual
15.11 Scanning buccal bite
The buccal bite is scanned to align the preparation model
with the opposing model.
1. Click Buccal.
2. Press the articulated model down firmly or have the
patient bite down firmly.
3. Tell the patient not to move while you are scanning. If they
shift during the scanning, the alignment may be incorrect.
Position the scanner tip against the inside of the cheek
while the patient’s mouth is open. When the scanner is in
place, ask the patient to close and bite down firmly. Tell
them not to move during scanning. Keeping the scanner
tip against the cheek and not rubbing against the gingiva
during scanning is typically more comfortable for the
4. Place the scanner at a 90° angle to the teeth.
5. Scan the sides of the teeth that were captured in the
preparation and opposing models. Ensure some gingival
data is captured.
6. Click Generate Model or press M on the keyboard.
The system generates the model and attempts to align to
the other scanned models. The software should
automatically align the models. If the Align Buccal is red,
see below for instructions on how to manually align the
When the scan is successful:
• There is good data on the buccal sides of the teeth.
• Intraoral scans will most likely have the tongue in the
• Model scans will have space filler in the gaps.
7. Erase any excess data from the model using the Eraser