46 Planmeca Chairside CAD/CAM solution
User’s manual
The successful alignment is indicated with the green point
on the top right corner of the alignment button.
19.To exit this task and to return to the main screen click the
Alignment Button
To exit the software click this button on the top left corner
of the window.
The image is automatically saved to Planmeca Romexis.
15.3 Scanning a basic posterior preparation
• 100% of the prep and interprox. contact areas
• 90% of the adjacent teeth
• Good axial data (buccal and lingual) for design 2-3 mm
gingival tissue on buccal and lingual
Make sure the first scan is taken at a 90 degree angle to
the occlusal surface. If the first scan is not optimal, delete
it and retake it.
The first scan is the most important scan because it
determines the default orientation.
The angle of the first scan should be an occlusal scan.