154 Planmeca Chairside CAD/CAM solution
User’s manual
4. Remove the collet using the shorter side of the collet tool.
If the spindle is turning instead of the collet, use the
curved collet wrench to hold the spindle in place while you
loosen the collet.
5. Rinse the collet and use the small silver wire brush to
clean the inside, running it through a couple of times.
6. Clean also the outside of the collet. Any debris on the
collet will cause the tool to not seat properly.
7. In the spindle (collet shaft), you are likely to see 3 lines of
debris that need to be cleaned. These are from the slits in
the collet. If they are not cleaned, the collet will not seat
properly and will lead to “walking tools”.
The lines are not necessarily going to be positioned as
seen in the example. There will be three equidistant lines.
The top one cannot be seen from the angle shown.
8. Use the larger bronze wire brush in the collet shaft. Be
sure to use straight in and out -motion. Do NOT use
circular motion.
The air must be blowing during this step.
9. Use a dental mirror to inspect the spindle or rotate the
spindle using the wrench to ensure all the debris has been
Curved Collet Wrench
Curved Collet Wrench - the curve
of the collet wrench enables you
Use the wrench to hold
collet tool turns the collet.
the spindle in place while the
Collet Tool
to reach the grooves on the spindle