5 Parameter
BU 0200 en-US-4920
Pos : 323 /Anleit ungen/El ektr onik /FU und St art er/5. Par ameter/ Par ameter auflist ung (P000 .. .)/P100- P199/Param et er P108 – Aussc haltmodus @ 0\mod_1327575421965_14638. docx @ 14904 @ @ 1
Disconnection mode
(switch-off mode)
0 ... 13
{ 1 }
This parameter determines the manner in which the output frequency is reduced after "blocking"
(controller enable
0 = disable voltage
: The output signal is switched off immediately. The VFD no longer supplies
an output frequency. The motor is only braked by mechanical friction. Immediately switching
the VFD on again can lead to a fault message.
1 = Ramp down
: The current output frequency decreases in proportion to the remaining
deceleration time, from P103/P105. The DC run-on follows the end of
the ramp (→ P559).
2 = Delayed ramping
: same as 1
"Ramp down"
, but the deceleration ramp is extended during
regenerative operation or the output frequency is increased during static operation. Under
certain conditions, this function can prevent overvoltage shutdown or reduce braking resistor
power loss.
This function must not be programmed if defined deceleration is required,
e.g. with lifting gears.
3 = Instant d.c. braking
: The VFD switches immediately to the preselected direct current (P109).
This direct current is supplied for the remaining proportion of the >DC brake time< (P110).
The >DC brake time< is shortened depending on the ratio of prevailing output frequency to
max. frequency (P105). The motor stops at a time that depends on the application. This time
depends on the mass inertia of the load, the friction and the DC current set (P109).
With this type of braking, no energy is returned to the VFD; heat loss occurs mainly in the
motor rotor.
Not for PMSM motors!
4 = Const. brakedistance,
"constant brake distance"
: The deceleration ramp is delayed in
starting if the equipment is not driven at the maximum output frequency (P105). This results
in an approximately similar braking distance for different prevailing frequencies.
This function cannot be used as a positioning function. This function should
not be combined with a ramp rounding-off (P106).
5 = Combi. braking,
"combined braking"
: Depending on the prevailing DC link voltage, a high-
frequency voltage is switched to the fundamental component (only for linear characteristic
curves, P211 = 0 and P212 = 0). Deceleration time (P103) is adhered to if possible.
Additional heating in the motor!
Not for PMSM motors!
6 = quadratic ramp
: The deceleration ramp does not follow a linear path but rather a decreasing
quadratic one.
7 = Quad.Ramp with delay,
"quadratic ramp with delay"
: Combination of functions 2 and 6
8 = Quad.Ramp w. braking,
"quadratic combined braking"
: Combination of functions 5 and 6.
Not for PMSM motors!
9 = Constant accn.,
"constant acceleration power"
: Only applies to the field weakening range!
The drive is accelerated or braked using constant electrical power. The course of the ramps
depends on the load.
10 = Distance Calculator:
constant distance between actual frequency/speed and the set
minimum output frequency (P104).
11 = Constant accn.delay,
"constant acceleration power with delay"
: Combination of functions 2
and 9.
12 = Constant accn. Mode3,
"constant acceleration power mode 3"
: same as 11 but with
additional brake chopper relief
13 = Switch off delay,
"ramp down with switch-off delay"
: same as 1
"Ramp down"
but, before
the brake is applied,
the drive unit remains at the absolute minimum frequency (P505) for
the time specified in parameter (P110).
Application example: Repositioning during crane control.
Pos : 324 /Allgem ein/ Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0. doc x @ 2265496 @ @ 1