NORDAC FLEX (SK 200E ... SK 235E) – Users Manual for Frequency Inverters
BU 0200 en-US-4920
Pos : 450 /Anleit ungen/El ektr onik /FU und St art er/5. Par ameter/ Par ameter auflist ung (P000 .. .)/P400- P499/Param et er P418 – Funk tion Analog ausg ang [SK 1x0E, SK 2xx E, SK 2x xE-FD S] @ 58\mod_1606129314190_14638.docx @ 2694841 @ @ 1
Analog output func.
(analog output function)
0 ... 60
{ all 0 }
[-01] = IOE-1
AOUT of the first I/O extension (type SK xU4-IOE) or
AOUT1 of an I/O extension of type SK xU4-
[-02] = IOE-2
AOUT of the second I/O extension (type SK xU4-IOE)
AOUT2 of an I/O extension of type SK xU4-
... only with
Analog functions
(max. load: 5 mA analog):
An analog voltage (0 ... +10 V) can be obtained at the control terminals (max. 5 mA). Various
functions are available, whereby:
0 V analog voltage always corresponds to 0% of the selected value.
10 V always corresponds to the rated motor value (unless otherwise stated) multiplied by the
P419 standardization factor, e.g.:
10 Volt =
Rated motor value x P419
For standardization of actual values: (
Section 8.9 "Standardization of setpoint/target values").
0 = No function
, no output signal at the terminals.
1 = Actual frequency *
, the analog voltage is proportional to the VFD output frequency.
2 = Actual speed *
, this is the synchronous speed calculated by the VFD based on the
existing setpoint. Load-dependent speed fluctuations are not taken into account.
If servo mode is used, the measured speed will be output via this function.
3 = Current *
, the effective value of the output current supplied by the VFD. (100%=(P203))
4 = Torque current *
, displays the motor load torque calculated by the VFD. (100% = (P112))
5 = Voltage *
, the output voltage supplied by the VFD. (100%=(P204))
6 = D.c. link voltage,
“DC link voltage”
, the DC voltage in the VFD. This is not based on the
rated motor data. 10 V with 100% standardization corresponds to 450 V DC (230 V line
power) or 850 V DC (480 V line power)!
7 = Value of P542
, the analog output can be set using parameter P542 independently of the
actual operating status of the VFD. For example, with bus switching (parameter
command) this function can supply an analog value from the VFD, which is triggered by
the control unit.
8 = Apparent power *
, the actual apparent power of the motor as calculated by the VFD.
(100%=(P203)*(P204) or = (P203)*(P204)*√3)
9 = Real power*
, the actual effective power calculated by the VFD.
(100%=(P203)*(P204)*(P206) or =
10 = Torque [%] *
, the actual torque calculated by the VFD (100%=rated motor torque).
11 = Field [%] *
, the actual field in the motor calculated by the VFD.
12 = Actual frequency ± *
, the analog voltage is proportional to the output frequency of the
VFD, whereby the zero point is shifted to 5 V. For rotation to the right, values between 5 V
and 10 V are output, and for rotation to the left values between 5 V and 0 V.
13 = Speed ± *
, is the synchronous rotation speed calculated by the VFD, based on the
current setpoint, where the zero point has been shifted to 5 V. Values of 5 V to 10 V are
output with right-hand rotation, and values of 5 V to 0 V with left-hand rotation.
The measured speed is output via this function if servo mode is used.
14 = Torque [%] ± *
, is the actual torque calculated by the VFD, whereby the zero point is
shifted to 5 V. For drive torques, values between 5 V and 10 V are output, and for
generator torque, values between 5 V and 0 V.
29 =