Thom Hogan’s Complete Guide to the Nikon D300
Page 591
Custom Setting #F9 Lock Camera with No CompactFlash
(No memory card?)
As a safeguard to keep you from thinking you’re taking
pictures when you aren’t, the D300 can lock the shutter
release when no CompactFlash card is present in the camera.
Release locked
The shutter release locks if no card is
present in the camera.
Enable release
The shutter release is unlocked and the
camera operates normally (other than
being able to save images) when no
card is present in the camera. [default]
1. This is another place where Nikon switched the defaults
in the Custom Settings, and this time I don’t agree. You
usually don’t want the camera to operate as if it is
functioning when it isn’t saving your images! Thus, the
Enable release
default is backwards from where I
think most users will want their camera set. Change your
camera to
Release locked
unless you have a
reason to do otherwise.
2. If you connect the camera to a computer and use Camera
Control Pro 2.0 to control the camera, you
need to
set this function to
Enable release
. Since images aren’t
recorded to the memory card at all, the shutter release is
automatically enabled in this situation.