Thom Hogan’s Complete Guide to the Nikon D300
Page 524
light and contrast situations even if you aren’t shooting
bursts of photos.
Custom Setting #A2 Single Servo AF Priority
(AF-S priority selection)
When the camera is set to Single Servo autofocus (AF-S in
Nikon’s usual abbreviation, not to be confused with AF-S type
lenses, for which the abbreviation means something
), you can choose whether the shutter release or
focus has the priority.
Shutter only activated when focus is achieved
Shutter activated on press of the shutter release
1. If you use other Nikon bodies, especially ones that don’t
allow you to override this function, consider leaving this
setting at its default for consistency.
2. Because of changes to the autofocus system, I find the
option not as interesting as it was on previous
Nikon DSLRs. Indeed, I can’t really think of a strong
reason why I’d want to make this change.
This is one reason why I always try to write Single Servo AF instead of AF-S in this
work. I want it to be clear which “AF-S” I’m referring to. Unfortunately, Nikon uses
the AF-S abbreviation in their menu system and documentation, which does have the
side effect of confusing users.