Thom Hogan’s Complete Guide to the Nikon D300
Page 11
As I wrote earlier, this eBook incorporates a few bits and
pieces from earlier eBooks I’ve written about Nikon
equipment. It’s not easy keeping up with all the changes
Nikon keeps making to its DSLR lineup and software. So if
you have any of my previous eBooks, you’ll find that my
words and explanations may have changed, even for features
that were common across many models. So don’t skip over
anything—read everything here as it stands, not as you think it
might be.
As I receive comments from readers of this eBook, I
the original file. Since I generate this eBook directly from my
files, this means that I am usually able to keep the text nearly
error-free while adding or modifying sections to make a point
more clearly. Every now and then I make a
pass through
the manuscript, augmenting what I’ve previously written with
knowledge I’ve learned from using the camera, teaching
workshops, and from other sources. When I do that, I iterate
the “edition number.” And when I create a new edition, I offer
low-cost updates to people who bought the original eBook.
So, if you do find an error or confusing wording, take a look
to make sure
that the problem hasn’t already been discovered; drop me an
email telling me about it if it hasn’t.