Group 7
Data Entry
Page 82
Release 3.00
Leibinger-Jet 2 se
7.2.7 Barcode input Barcode information
Note! The Leibinger-Jet 2 does not carry out any check digit
calculations generally.
This has to be carried out external in advance!
Code 128c:
is essentially shorter than code 128b
only numeric characters are valid (no punctuation symbols, letters or spaces
are valid (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
only an even amount of digits is valid
Code 128b:
is longer than the C-variante
can display complete ASCII-sentences
can also display an odd amount of digits
2 of 5 interleaved (Code 25):
only numerical code (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
only an even amount of digits is valid
Code 39:
alphanumerical code
(is available with or without Gothic character (clear figure) for the Leibinger-
Jet 2.)
EAN 8:
(only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
has to be always 8-digits (7 performance characters and 1 check digit)
(is available with or without clear figure for the Leibinger-Jet 2)
EAN 13:
numeric code (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
has to be always 13-digits (12 performance characters and 1 check digit)
(is available with or without clear figure for the Leibinger-Jet 2)