Group 8
Trouble shooting
Page 128
Release 3.00
Leibinger-Jet 2 se
Description of the malfunction
Trouble shooting activity
The content is under pressure even if the device has been
disconnected from the mains supply!
Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!
Risk of injury!
Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!
This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by
Leibinger service technicians!
Leak in the hydraulics, please check
hydraulics immediately!
Disconnect device from the mains supply and
check hydraulics for leaks!
Display message:„
leakage found in the hydraulic area, please
check hydraulic immediately“
Defective viscosity measurement! Please
check viscosity pump and metre or call the
Leibinger service department.
Disconnect device from the mains supply!
Check the viscosity pump and the viscometer.
Observe the instructions in the
Display message:„
faulty visco-measurement please check visco-
pump and –meter or call our perfect Leibinger service“
Ink conveying defective. Please check
main pump, pressure tank and their
Disconnect device from the mains supply!
Check the main pump, the pressure tank and
the connections. Check the position of the ink
Display message:„
pressure fault please check air pump and all
Pressure disturbance! Please check
compressor, pressure tank and all
Disconnect device from the mains supply!
Check the compressor, the pressure tank and
the connections.
Display message:„
pressure fault“ please check air pump and all