Group 8
Trouble shooting
Page 125
Release 3.00
Leibinger-Jet 2 se
8. Trouble shooting
8.1 General
With the help of the error diagnosis the operating personnel should be given the possibility of
removing lesser defects. Should it not be possible to achieve a satisfactory result despite the
measures carried out or should a lack of clarity prevail please contact the service department
or a service technician of your dealer.
Dangerous material in the machine!
Danger of serious damage through burns, skin irriation and poisoning!
8.2 Error notification
The error notifications are shown flashing in the status line of the LCD touch display. The
error notification texts contains the error denomination, the possible cause of the error or the
possible error removal measure. The error is acknowledged by means of touching the touch
<error notification>
(status line).
Figure 103
Status line with error notifications
(specimen illustration)